Discover with Vanessa at Just Breathe Hypnotherapy how to deeply remove your negative thoughts, deep in your unconscious mind, that may be holding you back. Discover the root cause of your limiting beliefs and negative emotions, eliminating your old thoughts, that you believed to be true, that are creating a negative environment and mind clutter.
These thoughts become behaviours and block you from moving forward and allowing you to have clarity. Vanessa offers personal sessions that will gently work through your fears or hurdles in your life. Vanessa offers a soft environment that allows you to organically seive through your old mind set. Discover a new you, that can create lasting change through changing the hardwired neurological drivers controlling your feelings.
Vanessa has worked with many clients, having great success with anxiety, phobias with water, emetophobia – a fear of vomiting, losing weight, alcohol, sleep, fear of flying, self sabotaging behaviours, her speciality is getting you out of your head and into your body, to live your best life.
Improve your well being, and have the life you were born to have. Evolve and grow “If we are not learning, we are dying” Vanessa Donlan
Try a session today, & chat to Vanessa to access the new you.
Call Vanessa 0413-534-444