
Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Program

Are you struggling with fatigue, bloat, and weight gain? Looking for ways to live your best life but do not know where to start? Look NO further, my Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Program is here to help you! With my program, you can feel your best self and achieve the life you have always wanted.

Program Details:
My program consists of four x one hour sessions, conducted in small groups of ten people. My group sessions are designed to cultivate a supportive and positive environment where you can feel empowered to make meaningful changes in your life.

How my program works:
Through hypnotherapy, I help set your mind on the right track to achieve your weight loss goals. Whether it is 5 kg, or 20kg, together we can focus on creating a plan that will eliminate the bloat and fatigue that has been holding you back. By having weekly check-ins, my program guarantees accountability, which empowers you to remain responsible for your progress.


Sign up for my Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Program to help you get on track and be the very best version of yourself. To book in, call Vanessa Donlan on 0413 534 444.

Must be paid in full. All sessions must be attended. No refunds.

    Benefits of the program:

    The program provides various benefits, which includes:

    • Weight loss
    • Reducing bloat and fatigue
    • Increasing self confidence
    • Learning the importance of mindful eating
    • Exploring the root cause of your weight gain and address it
    • A supportive community to help keep you motivated
    • Weekly check–ins to help you stay accountable
    • 2 x recordings, to inspire and create change
    • Ideas for delicious healthy eating, to take the guess work out