How Your Subconscious Mind Effects Your Every Day Life

How Your Subconscious Mind Effects Your Every Day Life

The subconscious mind – Has a huge effect on everything we think and do, but is overlooked regularly.

Instead our conscious mind where our logic, critical thought function of our brains are, are focused on.

The subconscious is the powerful chip, a bit like the chip in your computer, It encompasses the programming, the thoughts, urges, memories, and can unlock the beliefs that stop us from having the life we want.

Once the subconscious comes to the forefront, this remarkable part of the brain plays many different roles in your everyday life.


Your subconscious, is like a huge bank. Its capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you.

By the time you are in your early 20’s, you have already permanently locked in 100 times the information than the Encyclopedia Britannica

Once you are in a relaxed state, and your beta brainwaves slow down to Alpha and Theta waves, your conscious mind moves over, and your subconscious comes to the forefront, enabling memories to be clear and in perfect order. Even an older person can remember events from 50 years before, your subconscious memory is nearly perfect, it’s your conscious memory that is unclear


Your subconscious mind stores and retrieves data, just like the chip in your computer, and it ensures you respond exactly as you are programmed. Your subconscious makes everything you do and say fit with your self concept.

Your subconscious is subjective, it doesn’t think or reason, it likes repetition, it merely obeys the commands it receives from the conscious mind. SO, if you always respond to stress with X, unless reprogrammed, you will always respond to stress exactly the same way, with, X

Your Conscious mind says JUMP, your subconscious says HOW HIGH

Your subconscious is the servant, it works hard to make your behaviours fit with your emotions, thoughts, desires and hopes.

Your subconscious mind plays whatever you have put on that chip

And your conscious mind is the vehicle. Your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys


Your subconscious is your BODY BRAIN, it keeps your body temperature at 37 degrees, it keeps you breathing regularly, and keeps your heart rate beating at a certain rate. Zit keeps your entire physical machine running in complete harmony most of the time.

Your subconscious mind practises balance in your mental realm as well, it keeps you thinking in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past, it likes repetition.


All your habits and the way you think are stored in your subconscious, it has memorised your comfort zone, and will feel uncomfortable when and if you attempt to do something different. It goes against changing your established behavioural patterns.


You will feel uneasy when you try to change an established behaviour, they know that complacency is the greatest enemy of creativity and future possibilities

Tapping into your subconscious mind

You have to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable to create change. It’s worth doing not so well, until it becomes a natural new feeling