Hypnotherapy works for children by a gentle relaxation process where their subconscious mind comes to the forefront, and positive empowering suggestions can be embedded, changing behaviours and helping resolve their inner worries.
The subconscious is the place where irrational behaviours, negative emotions and other learned habits come from. The subconscious mind absorbs all experiences, all the good and all the bad, This is how a child learns so fast.
My form of hypnotherapy for children gets to the root cause of their worries, and by a simple fun process is extremely effective in helping your child resolve the inner worries which are generally the cause of the irrational fears, phobias and behaviours. They sometimes seem trivial or unimportant to adults, but can be completely overwhelming for a child.
I have a fun approach and technique that is especially for kids. This is extremely effective at treating all sorts of children’s issues, including irrational fears, bed-wetting and other difficult or challenging behaviours.
The child does not even need to talk about the issue, the process is gentle and helps release the emotions and fears, Allowing the problem to “disappear” Most kids find hypnotherapy for children to be enjoyable, interesting and actually quite fun. Children’s imaginations enable this process to
Generally children 7 years and above are able to have a successful and positive experience with this process, as they are old enough to take directions and engage in the process
Children respond extremely well to hypnosis, they find it easy and fun!!