Hypnotherapy uses a natural state of relaxation to allow the subconscious mind to take on new powerful suggestions Creating change at a subconscious level Hypnosis for phobias by releasing the trigger from the fear , and rewiring the brain with a more realistic response
Phobias are a type of anxiety, defined by an excessive fear of an object or a situation.
A person will go to great lengths to avoid the fear, more so than the actual danger posed.
If the fear cannot be avoided the reaction can be so great, where the person experiences enormous distress, fainting, panic attacks, and terror.
The Amygdala in our brains is thought to be part of our Limbic system, responsible for emotions, survival and survival instincts. And can be triggered by intense subconscious emotional responses, that can shut off the cortex, making it difficult for you to think clearly, it can be hard to problem solve. Hence a phobia, can seem ridiculous to others, but to the person, a realistic fear.
In Hypnosis we can rewind the memory from where the initial sensitising event took place, and remove it from the subconscious, and replacing it with powerful thoughts and emotions, that make the phobia disappear, or seem ridiculous