1:1 sessions or group sessions
The Benefits of Yoga
1. Yoga improves your strength, flexibility and balance
2. Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms
3. Increasing metabolism, weight loss, and muscle tone
4. Yoga can help with back pain
5. Yoga can relax you by activating your parasympathetic nervous system – your rest and digest, slowing your heart rate down and lowering your blood pressure
6. Yoga can improve your mood & sleep
7. Yoga can increase your energy levels and manage stress levels
8. Yoga can hydrate fascia, releasing stress in tendons, ligaments and joints
9. Yoga is not just a physical exercise, it is Mind Training.
10. The art of yoga helps in controlling the mind/body and spirit
11. A physical and mental discipline that helps achieve a peaceful body & mind
12. Yoga develops an inner awareness, learning to be present and still
13. Yoga is a discipline that is more than 5000 years old, a practice for life!