Hypnotherapy Manly


What is the correlation between stress and cellulite you ask??

CORTISOL – is the stress hormone released when we put our bodies and mind under stress. Cortisol is also responsible for creating an unhealthy fluid retention which creates the dimpling effect of CELLULITE

Looking after your well-being and learning to “do” stress, will improve your lifestyle immensely

What do I mean when I say “do” stress?

We are all put under stress at different times, our body is programmed to keep us safe, from predators, that Saber Tooth Tiger from 1000’s of years ago. Guess what, our nervous system has yet to move into the 2022’s, and still responds as if we have a life threatening event about to take place, our sympathetic nervous system goes into over drive – fight and flight

Our mind does not know the difference between imagination and reality, so to “do” stress well, our number 1 tool is our breath

BREATHE in for 7 slowly and out for longer

Deep belly breaths automatically slow our heart rates down and connect our parasympathetic nervous system, our REST & DIGEST
We have this at all times, and can use this with no one even knowing that we are slowing ourselves down, connecting our body to our mind

Practice makes perfect, so by practicing this every single day, it will become our go to for “ doing” stress well and in turn, creating a well body, that functions at its full capacity

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