Love Yourself

Love Yourself

We are born perfect, and with no discrimination, even about ourselves

Our love is pure, and everything and everyone is a ray of sunshine

UNTIL someone says something to you, that one comment that changes the way you view yourself and the world

“Your skin is blemished”
“Your nose is big”
“Are you ok” “You look so exhausted “
And then, just like that, these words become your thoughts💭 , and you dislike these parts of yourself

Love every single part of YOU, there is no one else like you, change the narrative to I LOVE MY SKIN, it’s who I am

I LOVE MY NOSE, it’s just like my dads, and I adore him ❤️
You can love every line, black circle, scar, pimple, laugh line 😊

Every part of me is me, and unconditionally loved by me 🥰😍 no one else is me


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