What have you decided to change this year?

As the year begins, and we are full of inspiration and hope, of how we can make THIS year the one, where I get that promotion, or lose those stubborn 5 kgs, or even make the choice to find the “one”.

Your New Year’s Resolutions need to be relevant to you, and be achievable. I call these SMART goals.

S pecific

M easurable

A chievable

R elevant

T imely

This can certainly be a powerful tool to achieve your success. Your goals should be things that you personally desire, and mean something to you, not something someone else wants for you, i.e, your partner wants you to give up smoking. Unless this is a goal, and a desire for yourself, it will be unlikely, you will maintain what it takes to achieve your goal.

You need to have, very clearly in your mind, your WHY. And when this is clear, the reason that you want to make change, or achieve a specific goal, either personally or professionally, you will be able to create the change that is needed, put the steps in place, and be successful in attaining what it is you want.

“ Nothing gives a person inner wholeness and peace like a distinct understanding of where they are going”

                              Thomas Oppong

Ikigai, is the Japanese term , which translates to, “a reason for being”

When you live to your core values, and have a sense of purpose, and know what you truly value in life, you will understand what you are here for, and live a very satisfying life.

Take 2024 by the horns, and go get what you want. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Vanessa x

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